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Help Free to Read Prep for Pride in the Park

Pride in the Park will be here before we know it (June 24!), and Free to Read wants to be part of the celebration! But to do that, we need some help.

Here is our vision: a Free Little Pride Library, where people can choose an LGBTQ book (free or for a donation); a make-your-own blackout poetry station; reading lists and info about book censorship; and lots of fun swag. Maybe an "I Read Queer Books!" selfie station too if we can swing it.

We’ve been scrounging up as many used books as we can, but could use a lot more. So if you have LGBTQ books that need a new home, we'll take them! Or, a donation of money will help us buy them from Scholastic at a deep discount through our literacy partnership. If you'd rather pick your own new book or help us with some specific supplies, I created a shopping list too.

When the event gets closer, we'll put out a call for volunteers as well.

Any help you can provide is deeply appreciated. Let's celebrate Pride with LGBTQ books!


Wishlist: []

March 11

F2R/Sidetrack Bookshop Fundraiser for Teachers

June 24

Pride in the Park